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Use our online provider directory to find medical providers nearby. To find a list of dental or vision providers, search our dental directory or vision directory.
Already a Health Plan of Nevada member?
Sign in to the online member center to find doctors, hospitals and other medical providers that accept your health plan. After you sign in, select Care Options and then select Find a Doctor.
Search for a provider as a guest.
To see available providers, select a plan type and region.
Individual Plans
Individual On Exchange (HMO) Providers
- Southern Nevada (Clark and Nye counties in Nevada and Mohave County in Arizona)
- Southern Nevada SELECT Network (Clark and Nye counties in Nevada and Mohave County in Arizona)
- Northern/Rural Nevada (all other Nevada counties)
Individual Off Exchange (HMO) Providers
Employer Plans
Employer Plans (HMO) Providers
- Southern Nevada (Clark and Nye counties in Nevada and Mohave County in Arizona)
- Northern/Rural Nevada (all other Nevada counties)
Employer Plans (POS) Providers
If you’re an HPN Balance Plan or HPN Essential Plan member, your pharmacy network does not include Walmart, Sam's Club, CVS or CVS inside Target. Click here to find a pharmacy near you.
The provider directory is updated daily. If you find an update missing, or an error, request a change at
At this time, Health Plan of Nevada does not use quality measures, member experience measures or cost-related measures to select practitioners or hospitals. All providers credentialed and contracted within the network are added to the network after completion of a primary source verification process compliant with NCQA and CMS standards.
- Providers no longer with the plan (PDF) (updated February 2025)
Members please note that although certain facilities are listed as plan providers, the professional services for interpretations or certain diagnostics (to include, but not limited to, cardiology, emergency medicine, neurology, and pulmonology services) may be rendered by non-plan providers. The patient may be responsible for services rendered by non-plan providers.