Prescription Drug Lists

Prescription medications can play a key role in getting healthy and staying healthy.

You have access to a wide range of prescription medications. Your provider can use our prescription drug lists (PDLs) to prescribe effective and affordable medications for you

Check your PDL to stay updated on your pharmacy coverage

A Prescription Drug List (PDL) – also called a formulary – is a list of commonly used medications, organized into cost levels, called tiers. These costs are decided by your employer or health plan. View your PDL to learn what’s covered by your plan.

View General Prescription Drug Lists (PDLs)

View the lists below to find general pharmacy benefits information for UnitedHealthcare plans, including certain PDLs. Remember, this is only general information. Sign in to your member account or call the number on your health plan ID card to see your PDL and get specific information about your pharmacy benefits.

Commercial Searchable PDL Links:

Prescription Drug Lists:

Zero-cost preventive care medications

As part of Health Care Reform, health plans must cover certain Preventive Care Medications at no cost to you. Stay up to date on any changes in the law and get updates about Health Care Reform at

These lists are for general information only. Lists may change over time and some medications listed may not be covered by your specific plan.

To find the most updated information:

  • Review your benefit documents.
  • View current lists below.
  • Call the phone number on your health plan ID card.

Zero Cost Share Preventive Medication Drug List

If you have any questions regarding the prescription drug list, please call Member Services toll-free at 1-800-777-1840.